This SundaySunday, December 10, 2023 Join us this weekend for the second Sunday of Advent to hear from Reverend Tobi Nguyen as she continues our sermon series called "Our Spirit Waits". The Scripture readings will be from Isaiah 40:1-11 and Mark 1:1-8. We hope you will join us! For more infomation visit:
CAROLING TO SHUT-INSJoin us! The church will provide a light lunch.
Love Offering for StaffCard signing for Nicole this Sunday The Staff Parish Relations Committee invites everyone to contribute to a Love Offering to be shared with the staff to celebrate the end of a successful year. Just write "Love Offering" in the memo online, check, or by cash envelope.
All are invited to please sign a card at the back of the sanctuary on Sunday to Thank our former office manager Nicole McDonald for her excellent service to Trinity as she moves to a full-time role with Open Table Ministries.
Please also welcome our new Office Manager, LaNella Smith when you next call or stop by the office. Her experience and enthusiasm promise to be a great addition to Trinity.
Advent Bible StudyAt the Parsonage Monday evenings in December at 6pm at the parsonage join Pastor Tobi and explore the scriptures as we prepare for the coming of the Light of the World! For details and questions, please reach out to the office: office@trinitydurham.org |
Justice Team Meeting
In December, the Justice Team will be meeting on Sunday, December 10th at 7pm on Zoom. Contact the church office if you are interested. We hope you can make it! Use the link provided below for the meeting. For more infomation visit: https://zoom.us/j/94432731708?pwd=MnN6NDRxT0UxU3VPODNiWnk5VjBRZz09
Confirmation Retreat
Do you have a youth who is interested in Confirmation? Trinity UMC youth (6th-12th grade) will attend the Confirmation Retreat at Camp Chestnut Ridge February 9-11, 2024 in order to learn about what it means to join the Church. View an example schedule here: https://www.campchestnutridge.org/confirmation-retreat Contact the church office if you would like to register or have questions. |
Thank YouFrom Trinity UMC Finance Committee Thank you to everyone who has turned in their Estimate of Giving card. If you have forgotten, please bring yours in this week or call the office for another copy. Extra cards are available in the Narthex. |
Give or Call
Give if you can and call if you need. For more infomation visit:
Prayer List
Carol Ayres • Melisha Scruggs • Ken Stewart (Michael Stewart’s brother) • Reggie Allred |